Sunday, February 26, 2006


I am in the Chillicothe, OH public library, mentally preparing for my first day of school tomorrow. I am excited for the school but am not sure how I will be able to handle this living situation for 5 weeks. I am living in a cabin with four other guys, who decided that our cabin will be a "smoking" cabin, for both cigarettes and the other. Our cabin is about the size of a typical tool shed, complete with shower, kitchen, and 6 bunk beds. I arrived here last night with a quite surreal welcome. As I hiked up the giant hill to my cabin, I walked past a bon fire complete with a drum circle and a short mexican girl freestyling. I finally got to my cabin to meet my roommates, who were stoned and listening to instrumental hardcore music (?!). As the cabin wasn't big enough for me to maneuver towards my bunk, I stood there for a good 15 minutes and discussed with the stoners the perks of opening a studio in the middle of a cornfield in Nebraska. My throat is already feeling the wear of sleeping on the top bunk of a room consistently thick with smoke.
This is only an obstacle though, I will still give it my all at this school and make the best of it. After all, I'm sure the 25 year old stoner has some wisdom to share.
Mikey Mike

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